Monday, August 11, 2008

Entry one..

Tonight Youth-I-Versity started. YAY!!! This has to be one of my most favorite youth events. Every night we get together in the youth building and go to classes, play games, watch movies, and have snacks. The schedule was something like this:

1-First class
3-Class two
4-Game time

Tonight there were 4 different classes. Now, we only get to go to 2 of them so we have to choose carefully. I went to Mr. Geico's class and Mrs. Redhead's class. Mr. Geico taught about anger management. How we have to be careful and control out tempers. Mrs. Redhead (who happens to be our youth minister's daughter) taught how each member of the church is important.

We had ice cream for our snack. You could choose between an ice cream cone, or a waffle bowl. The ice cream choices were: chocolate, vanilla, or chocolate & vanilla & strawberry.There were all sorts of toppings to add! There were gummie bears, cherries, sprinkles, crushed oreos, and hard shell to put on top if desired. I selected an ice cream cone with chocolate ice cream and hershey's hard shell to go on top. It was amazing...... :o)

After that we went to our second class. It was neat because this year The Warrior is moving up to the youth. For the second both my brothers and I were together. We didn't plan it, it just ended up that way. It was a great class, everyone had a good time.

Next was game time. Tonight they had a jump rope contest. Not only was it a jump rope contest, it was a doubles jump rope contest. You had to be in teams of two and be able to jump into the swinging rope and then jump out after 3 synchronized jumps. As the teams moved up, the more jumps they had to make. We started with 3, then 5, 10, 15, and the last one was 20. Two guys ended up winning. The grand prize...... 20 dollars! It was so much fun to participate and watch. Steps and I were on a team. We got all the way to the third round, but once we hit 8 jumps, we somehow lost it and got eliminated. It's all good though, we had a great time!

After the jump rope competition was over we watched a movie that our youth pastor had picked out. It was a bit corny, but it was funny. We watched half tonight and we'll finish the other half tomorrow.

Well, that wraps it up. A fun time was had by all. Adieu!

Until next time,
-Daughter of The King

1 comment: said...

Redhead might want to check out our blog and join the community. It's just getting started.

Subscribe to the blog and watch for more to come. Thanks!