Friday, October 3, 2008


I cannot believe it is already October! This year has just flown by! So much has happened! I don't know where to begin, so I'll start with school.....(just to get it over with.)

I found it very hard to adjust to the "college life." Which kind of surprised me. I'm still living at home, so it isn't like I have to deal with a "bad" room-mate (one of the girls I met at my orientation did, but it's all fixed now), and I'm only at the *Alumni University two days a week, (I was able to schedule all my classes on those days...yay!) But the work load, all the people (3 out of my 4 classes are held in auditoriums!), and additional things that would normally already have me stressed, just did me in! But God is good and with the help of my family, my sweet-heart: Steps, friends, and going to my professors with questions, I'm beginning to adjust a bit better.

-There were many Bible verses that I have come across during these first weeks in school. But the one that really stood out and encouraged me the most was: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." So often I found myself asking God why He even wants me to go to college. To be honest, I don't know, I may not know for several years down the road, but I do know that it's what He wants.

Sorry, I just had to chase that rabbit that escaped from the cage. It's back now, safe and sound. :o)

On a different note, The Warrior just turned 12! I feel so old ! He is growing up way too fast. He is so funny! He always keeps us laughing....when he's around you just have to smile. It's a natural instinct. :o) His birthday was this past Monday. He is playing fall ball this year, and dad is coaching!

G.I. Joe is playing soccer for the first time! He's doing great. Unfortunately, I have yet to make it to one of his games... :o( Hopefully I'll be able to go to one soon though.

Next week my sisters and heading off to Panama with The Boss lady (our Aunt on our mom's side) for our cousin's wedding. Well, I'm actually not quite sure how we're related, but somehow we are related to the groom. I'll just call him our cousin 'till I find out for sure. :o)

Aside from all that, there really isn't too much going on. Well, I do have some (understatement of the century!) homework to do, so for now I will bid you all adieu!

Until next time.

-Daughter of The King

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