Saturday, May 10, 2008

First attempt...

Well, I'm not very good at this blogging thing, but I've decided to give it a whirl. Some of you who read this might know me through my mom- Lady G~- I'm her third daughter/child. :o)

Well, I guess a good place to start would be telling you a little about me, (despite the fact that I really don't like talking about myself.) Oh well.... here goes....

I'm the third child of five children. I have two older sisters: Soaring Amongst the Clouds and Still Waters, and two younger brothers: G.I. Joe and The Warrior. I am 18 years old. I completed my school for this year on May 2. Which means, drum roll please.......... I am officially done with high school!!! YEAH!!

Well, not really. Technically I have to wait 'till May 22 to "officially" graduate. But that's o.k. I just keep telling myself, "A few more weeks, a few more weeks, a few more weeks." Soon I'll be able to say, "A few more days, a few more days, a few more days!"

In the fall I'll attend a college that is somewhat close to my house. Really, it is kinda close. On a good day it's only about a 45-50 minute drive. I want to teach American Sign Language. So, at this college, I'll study Foreign Language Education. :o) While it's a little exciting, it still just feels like more school to me.

Well, that's enough about me, and I can't really think of anything else to say at the moment. So for now, I will bid you all adieu. Until next time.....

-Daughter of The King

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